Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan Hillyard: biodata

Susan Hillyard, B.Ed.(Hons) Warwick University (U.K.) has work experience in seventeen countries as a teacher, director, speaker, workshop facilitator, consultant, researcher, on-line tutor. She was Prof. Language IV in Lenguas Vivas and UTN, Bs As. She is a NILE Associate Trainer, in Norwich, UK. She has co-authored a Resource Book for Teachers Global Issues for OUP and TDI-TKT On-line Course for Pearson, New York. Moderator EVO Drama on-line course for TESOL and on-line tutor on the Masters in ELT, La Sabana University, Colombia. Now coordinator: English in Action, teaching English through Drama in Special Education, Ministry of Education, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


  1. Your talk at "The Magic of Teaching Children" today was wonderful and inspiring. Thanks a million!!!

  2. Susan.

    Just found my way here. You need to let the world know through this blog that you are also now a member of the IATEFL YLTSIG committee.

    Greetings, Dennis

  3. Today I've attended to the best talk ever.. I'm a 2nd semester student. excuseme for my mistakes in writing xD thank you for all what i learned today Susan. :D and I'd like 2 share this pic taken today next to you.
    Ty Susan! The hedgehog skin boy :D
    you must be a singer!


  4. Hi! I'm Nozomu Adachi, a university English teacher in Japan. I'm very keen on teaching children English through drama and Waldorf Education (Michael Chekhov's technique) I have a grant from my university and would like to visit a PRIMARY school in the world before March 2016, whose curriculum or class put emphasize drama in teaching English including theater a
    nd improvisation. Could you please give me some suggestions?

  5. Dear Susan ,I attended the SHARE Congress on the 26th and 27th of July and saw two fantastic presentations delivered by Sarah and yourself.
    I'd like to know on which days of the week your drama course will take place.
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Sandra Figueroa.
